Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Co work list -- Apr-2019

2-3, Jalan Merbah 1, Bandar Puchong Jaya 47170 , Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia (Next to IOI Mall)

CITTA Mall F01-08 47301 Ara, Jalan PJU 1a/48, Pju 1a, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
03-7848 1600
9AM-6PM Weekday

Saturday, April 20, 2019

cari forum 21-Apr-2019 [原创] (创业者)Laravel open source 经营模式

[原创] (创业者)Laravel open source 经营模式

去年(2018)辭職了,今年 1-Jan-2019 開始成為自由职业者(freelancer). 

使用 php/laravel open source 方案能节省数千个开发时间。我为那些无法访问或受昂贵解决方案约束的小型企业提供解决方案和定制服务。

提供 电子商务(e-Commerce),内容管理系统(cms),人力资源管理服务(hrms) 解决方案。


mdb note Apr-2019

1. MDB Bootstrap spacing document

Thursday, April 18, 2019

cari [讨论] Open source 討論區

[讨论] Open source 討論區

近來想自己開一些open source project來玩

phpBB,Open source、多國語言

Laravel Open Source

欢迎加入 facebook group 來分享

ads on cari 19-Apr-2019

Save thousands of development hours with laravel open source
I provide solutions and and customization to small businesses who have limited access to, or bound by costly solutions.

- e-Commerce
- cms
- blog
- etc- contact : pm

[原创] 使用laravel开源节省数千个开发时间

ads on facebook 19-Apr-2019

Save thousands of development hours with laravel open source. I provide solutions and and customization to small businesses who have limited access to, or bound by costly solutions. - e-Commerce - cms - blog - etc - contact : 1089

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

To do list 4/18

0. Company profile (Completed 18-Apr-2019)

0.1. Hosting (Completed 18-Apr-2019)

1. Target learn full stack of laravel by end of June (30-Jun-2019)
- build one SEO like mudah car sell
- build one e-Commerce like "WeShare" e-Commerce
- build one 3x3 matrix mlm plan

2. Go laracast find one sample SEO (target date 30-Apr-2019)

3. Sample e-Commerce like "WeShare" e-Commerce(target date 31-May-2019)

4. Sample 3x3 matrix mlm plan (target date 30-Jun-2019)

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

useful link Apr-2019

1. Web hosting

2. Web design

3. Nixel demo

4. Demo home page

5. made with Laravel

6. homestay-management-services-in-malaysia(blog)

7.App & CRM Development

8.How to Choose the Best Website Builder in 2019 (Compared)

Startup as a freelancer

Dear all,

I provide laravel open source application and customization to small businesses who have limited access to, or bound by costly solutions such as
- dashboard
- laravel octobercms setup
- simple E-Commerce

Let me know if there are any opportunities to work with.Tq.

We are looking for some small project static

Dear all
I hope you are doing well
We are a startup from Noida
We are looking for some small project static website, informative, landing page, a business website to work on priority basis.
Any leads would be appropriated as we are only seeking for a small project to run parallel with our running and long term projects.
Let me know if there are any opportunities to work with.
I can also share our work portfolio for trust and faith in us.
Looking forward to connecting
Swati Singh

page design

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


1. level 1
SEO and Laravel
I asked this a few months ago to Jeff, and I wanna get some feedback from you guys.
I find clients who refuse to drop Wordpress just because they heard is too good when it comes to SEO, but it makes my work harder.
How do you approach the SEO aspect of a web app built with Laravel?

2. Level 2
My opinion is that the most successful way to handle SEO is just good content. Google ignores most meta tags these days. So there is not much Wordpress could do better than a Laravel application with the same content. Things like unique titles, pretty url's and speed are important to Google, and those can easily be done with Laravel.

3. Level 3
First of all WP is a CMS while Laravel is a PHP framework. All that can be done with WP, can sure be done with Laravel.
I suggest you ask your clients to explain, what do they think SEO is. I'm pretty sure they have no clue. Next ask three more questions:
  • Can WP generate backlinks?
  • Can WP generate unique content?
  • Can WP generate anything?
Of course answer is NO. WP is as good as is the human behind it.
But if you really need a CMS, then Laravel should not be your tool of choice!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

I am PHP, Wordpress Web developer, and working as freelancer.

Hey guys,
I am PHP, Wordpress Web developer, and working as freelancer.
If you want to developer website, Please message me, I will developer your website in affordable rate.
Contact me for software such as,
1) Advance Loan Management System Software,
2) Billing and Invoice Management with GST Software,
3) School Management System and Website,
4) Hospital Management System and Website,
5) Travel Management System and website,
6) Stock and warehouse Management
7) Online Course Academy Website
8) Support Ticket System
9) Recipe Management Website
10) Employee Payroll Management Software
11) Movie and videos Streaming Website
Also, contact for my brand new whatsapp plugin for your website.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Get Discovered Media

- 不知道是否需要网站
- 制作网站成本非常高
- 不懂如何下手,该怎样做
- 害怕不会操作网站
- 顾客对你的信任度不高
- 没有系统化记录销售与发货
1. 一个完整的網站设计(Website)
2. 你公司的標誌設計 (Logo)
3. 你公司的名片設計 (Name Card)
4. 你公司的公司簡介設計 (Presentation Deck Template)
5. 用于社交媒体品牌与广告帖模板 (Social Media Post Template + Ads Template)

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


01. 选择什么形式的App
02. 开发费用与价格
03. 如何与开发商配合
04. 开发后如何收费与维护
App分别有三种形式,01. WebApp,02. Hybrid App,03. Native App
01. WebApp(浏览器)
02. Hybrid App(半原生程序)
它是Web与App的混合型App,用户需要到store下载安装使用,Hybrid App拥有比WebApp较优势的访问能力,交互界面,灵活度。开发成本和开发难度比起Native App大大降低。因为只需更新一个系统而且开发人数只需1至2人就能包办一般的App项目。
03. Native App(原生程序)
它是一个原生程序是位于平台层上方,用户需要到store下载安装使用,它有多项很强的功能包括交互功能,支持在线或离线信息推送或本地资源访问,GPS,摄像拨号功能,当然还有更多优势功能。比起WebApp/Hybrid App都来得稳定。大多企业家都往这路线上开发。苹果商店都是原生App。相对开发成本比起Hybrid高需要大量程序员负责一个App项目。不同的操作系统需要不同的独立开发软件。在座拥有App的企业老板是否了解过你的App是属于哪个形式吗?收费与形式的平台对比收费合理吗?
很多企业老板都知道Mobile App是趋势,期望App可以为公司带来丰厚的利润回报但又不想付出基本的开发费那怎么行呢。寻找手机开发商后先别着急选择价格较低的开发商应多方面考虑。价格是考虑因素但不是首要,先与开发商详细面谈提供基本功能,概念,形式,模式,交货期限,开发经验,后续维护收费价格。一般零售行业如产品买卖/服务业的开发费用价格从最基本功能30k至60k起。如有同行深感同受的先给个Like呗!
如果可以根据行业的性质设计一套有利的 “商业模式” 必能事半功倍:
01. 如何达到人传人的效果
02. 如何令客户主动下载你的App
03. 如何令客户主动和你买单
04. 如何令客户不断重复的消费
请别再浪费资源如长期送出一些类似mouse pad, discount voucher,小玩具加上每天打几个社交媒体的广告骗取几千个粉丝几个月过后就变成粉尸。我们已不再干这些了!
Call / Whatsapp: